
(  ) It is said that the obsessive English concern with high status and aristocracy could be traced back to the country’s papers, which daily enforced messages about the prestige of the titled and the famous.

(A) It is said that a considerable part of the English newspapers is about people of high status and aristocracy.

(B) It is said that English people love to read newspapers with stories about prestige of the titled and the famous.

(C) It is said that the English newspapers appeal to people’s peculiar love for the upper class by writing about those of high status and aristocracy.

(D) It is said that English people love to read about people of high status and aristocracy because of the newspapers’ daily supply of such stories.



Step 1:瀏覽句意,找出主結構,it是虛主詞,名詞子句才是真主詞:“the obsessive English could be traced back to the country’s papers” (過分關心的英國人可以從這國家的報紙找出根源)。

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