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Who talks more, women or men? According to Professor


Deborah Tannen at Georgetown University, the seemingly


contradictory evidence is reconciled by the difference between public


and private talking. More men feel comfortable doing public


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( ) When I first came to the United States, I had a hard time _____ used to the new environment.

(A) to get (B) getting (C) to getting (D) got




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( ) The downside of the Internet is that being a super-giant informational source, the Web is _____ to piracy and plagiarism.

(A) deducible

(B) intangible

(C) ostensible


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( ) Conventionally, life can be trying for boys who do not measure up to social male standards.

(A) Traditional life is harsh for boys who are judged by social male standards.

(B) Boys can lead their life in a conventional way by not meeting social male standards.

(C) Social male standards are supposed to be measured up by boys who want to lead a conventional life.


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英銘老師:閱讀測驗是很多考生畏懼的英文題型之一,其實閱題測驗的的解題並不難,因為外國人寫文章都愛用破題法,只要看第一段即可知道文章大概在講什麼內容。例如在此篇文章的第一段中,有提到”watch”(監視)、”screen”(篩選)、”identify”(識別) 、”monitor”(監視),所以文章一定跟”監視”有關。



Feeling as if you are being watched? You probably are. The


Transportation Security Administration (TSA) in the United States


recently began rolling out a new security program, Screening


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All that you will need to decorate your birdhouse are a few simple


tools you probably already have at home. You also need some paint.


When painting the birdhouse, make sure the paint is safe for the birds


as well as __1__ enough for an outdoor setting. Exterior latex paint is


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( ) _____ he was warned against the danger, he went ahead with that experiment.

(A) Despite

(B) As soon as

(C) As long as


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可能都聽過英文的字首re 代表的是「回到、又、再」的意思,今天的考題一口氣出了四個看起來很難的re開頭的單字 一起來看看吧

( ) For many people, art is something for us to admire; they don’t really care if an artwork is an original or a _____ as long as the beauty is in there.

(A) renewal
(B) restoration
(C) reproduction

(D) resurrection



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( ) Swallowing angry words is much easier than having to eat them.

(A) Holding our temper is much easier than having to apologize for our angry words.

(B) Taking back our angry words is much easier than having to apologize for them.

(C) Once we lose our temper, we will end up apologizing for our angry words.


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Do you wear a mask? I’m not talking about a Halloween mask of

the killer from Scream or anything. I’m talking about going out of your

way to look different on the outside than how you feel on the inside.

These masks can be made up of many different things: the way you


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Halloween has become a lot more than candy, costumes, and

decorations. It is big __1__. According to the International Retail

Association, Halloween is the second most important holiday for

retailers. It is second only __2__ Christmas.


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